Wednesday, May 13, 2009

the Run

ahhhh din't blog for so long =)
right....woke up at 5 in the morning last Sunday for the run (Larian Bomba). I can't sleep for the whole night . So I went to front gate with Allan to wait for everyone , then Clarence came by to wait with us too. Okay so we waited...and waited.... so we heard voices coming form second gate, so we decided to go check it everyone's is there and we are in front gate waiting for them == What luck. You know what's worse? The bus came in through the first gate... == we could have wait there but we go to second gate with everyone instead. So now we WALK back again...a BIGGGGGGGGGGGGG round =) So everyone get on and Allan slept inside the bus. It din't take that long to reach there. When we arrived we quickly went to register ourselves. So we get in the track and waited for the run to start. While waiting...Allan brought some BrunchBar, some sort of energy source for us , it made us hyper for a while. The run started.... *skip* in the end of the race, some of my friends chase me up and run with me oh well, we finish it together. We din't get any position Then after the race...we saw a drug addict near the 7-eleven we going. SCARY LA THAT GUY D: . We try to avoid him Then we take a group pichaaaa. but sadly not with my phone so i cant upload them. Well I guess that's all except Clarence go hyper the rest of the day. LOL

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